Crochetverse/Stephanie Pokorny Costume Gallery!


Welcome to the Crochetverse! I am Stephanie Pokorny, the designer behind it! I am so happy to have you stop by! Every year I allow my sweet littles to choose a costume that I then crochet for them! It makes me so happy to bring to life their ideas and watch them enjoy Halloween! I hope you enjoy this gallery of pieces I have done over the years! My mom did it for me as a child and I vividly recall being so excited to wear them!

Some quick facts:

– All are done freehand with no pattern. Most remain one of a kind. Selected ones become a pattern so others may create their own. Either myself or my sister does photos!

– They are fully crocheted. We live in an area where sometimes it snows on Halloween so their coziness is always appreciated by my babes!

– I work to put the details on the forehead and and top of head so from above the details are viewed but their view remains unobstructed!

To see all my patterns available, check here:

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*Note: The PDF download is a Google placed ad and allowing these ads is what keeps me up and running here as everything on the site is free or inspiration. Thank you for visiting!*

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The information and photos in this posting are the sole copyrighted property of Crochetverse©2018. Please do not copy and paste any of the information contained within either electronically, verbally, or written in part or in whole. Instead, please share the DIRECT LINK to this posting only, and if you do, I thank you for sharing. You of course may sell anything you make from this pattern that you have made with your own two hands, no contract labor or mass productions are permitted. I need your visits to keep me around creating! Please never screenshot or copy and paste the info within, instead share the link so I may entertain your friends as well! If you credit Crochetverse as the designer that is greatly appreciated!


    • Hello Leah! I am not sure where you saw that, but at no point was this ever a pattern so it could never have been free as one does not exist. Perhaps you saw the word “freehanded” and maybe thought that which I can see. But I use that word to state that is was created with no pattern aka free hand. On the site here, it is categorized as “Inspiration” and “Product Review” as some of them are paid patterns. Thank you, sorry you had hoped otherwise. I hope you enjoyed the post!

  1. AWESOME costume! Wish you did have a pattern. Either way there’s no way would I have the attention span or even the head to make this myself. .

  2. I think what folks are seeing is the link to download a free pdf viewer that is right under your picture of Predator. It would be easy to get confused.

    • Oh I see! That is an ad that Google populates into my posts. I do the ads so I can keep the site up and running because everything on here is either free or inspo. So I hope you understand, thank you for visiting! <3

  3. Hello,

    I am trying, once again, to teach myself to crochet. My grandmother was talented, like you, and would crochet all my Barbie doll clothes. Do you have beginner patterns? I am also a fellow Cleveland’s, Southwest suburbs! Thank you for re-inspiring me!

    • Thank you! Yes, I am sorry, due to the time they take to create and my beloved momlife, they are my outlet for fun and labors of love for my sweethearts, thank you for visiting though!

  4. Your designs are absolutely fabulous!!!! Love your creativity… inspire me! I hope you become a millionaire, you deserve it.

  5. These are truly amazing. Do you ever do any DIY/tips videos? I would love to see your tips for doing some of the more elaborate patterns.

  6. Love this predator costume !!!
    My son is obsessed with the character , lol
    Do you take personal orders if we’d like to have one made by you ?
    You’re amazingly talented !!

    • Thank you so so much! I am sorry, but due to the time involved in creating, they are labors of love for my children only. I do not sell, thank you for asking though!

    • Message me on my Facebook page, there are some that can be made through my referral to skilled artisans! Depends on which you like!

  7. Your Halloween costumes give me liiiiife! I’ve never wanted to be Slimer so much before now! Seriously, whenever I’m in a crochet slump and happen to come across one of your patterns, I get a renewed desire to keep practicing! You’re a baller. That is all.

    • THANK YOU! That is the best comment ever and I appreciate it! Keep on keepin on, you WILL get there! <3

  8. Please, please, PLEASE put together a pattern for the Alien Xenomorph. It is Amazing! You are my hero.

    • haahh! If I did, it would be the length of an unabridged dictionary if I could even remember what I did lol!

  9. Stephanie, the xenomorph is mind-boggling!

    Since you only make them for your kids, would you like to adopt this 64-year-old -uh- kid? I don’t eat much! (unless there’s cookies…) Probably my wife would have to come with; we’re kinda a package deal… And our kids… 🙂
    But just think – an adult-size xenomorph! 🙂

    Your kids are lucky to have such a talented and caring mom!
    All the best! And Happy Halloween!

  10. I am blown away by your incredible talent!!! I’ve been crocheting practically my whole life and there is no way I could duplicate your AMAZING creations! My biggest question for you is, where do you find the TIME??? Or do you have a secret staff of crocheting elves hidden somewhere? When do you sleep?

  11. Stephanie,
    Your designs are amazing. I am so in awe of you (and a little jealous – wish I was that talented).

  12. Wow! Your crocheted costumes are amazing. What a terrific imagination you must have to create them. Thank you for sharing your photos.

  13. Saw a couple of your designs on our local Fox broadcast (Tampa, FL). You are SO talented and your children are so fortunate that you enjoy making their Halloweens epic!! I’m in complete awe at your ability to not just design such awesome looks, but your execution is something else.

  14. You do some beautiful work. I wanted to ask you, how long does it take to make the costumes and I know that some are more elaborate, so just ball park. I crochet for our senior center and donate most of my hats, blankets and scarves to the unwed, homeless and military, so I can appreciate the fact that you do them as labours of love for your children, I am always asked how long things take and depends on what is being crocheted and what my life is looking like on that day. Keep up the good work and I hope I remember to check out next years ideas. A fellow crocheter who wants to grow up like you, (i’m 59) LOL

    • How beautiful of you to do that <3 These costumes take me about 50 hours work time, thank you for asking!

  15. I saw your costumes on 6ABC and they are nothing short of spectacular! So talented. I saw an adult butterfly costume…I’d love to have one. Can you email me at [email protected] with a price. I’d love bright colors, pinks, purples, etc. Thanks.

    • Hi! I am so sorry the costumes are freehanded and not for sale. I do pattern design as my work, thank you!

  16. You are so talented! My great aunt used to crochet incredible art work as well like vegetables and animals without patterns. I wish that I could have that talent as well. The best that I can do is a crooked scarf, lol. Thank you for sharing your master pieces! Your works are truly amazing!

    • Thank you so so much! I assure you I was a beginner too! My first blanket for my 1st born son? Ended up a triangle because I missed the last stitch on every row!

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