Corduroy Ridge Slouchy – Marshmallow Redux!


The Corduroy Ridge Slouchy had a date with Bernat Baby blanket last night, and well… let’s just say it went well!

While they work on planning their second date, I’m going to show you how to adjust the original Corduroy Ridge Slouchy (see it here!) to make this snow bunny mushiness.

Check out the Corduroy Ridge Marshmallow Redux!


Everytime I walk by Bernat Baby Blanket in the store, I literally just stop and pet it (and smell it, which is weird, but somehow I don’t think I’m alone on that). It’s SOOOOO soft and snuggly. So, I had to give it a go for the Original Corduroy Ridge Slouchy. With a few small adjustments, this hot cocoa drinking, fire sitting next to hat can be yours.

First things first, pop over to the original post HERE. This is going to guide you on the technique, which is really cool and different, because it’s Tunisian crochet, but on a REGULAR hook! Jazzy, right?!

Follow the tutorial there and once you’ve got the technique (if you can single crochet, I PROMISE you can do it, you’re way better than you give yourself credit for, trust me!), you’ll want to review the pattern there allll the way at the bottom of the post. Now, take a deep breath, contain your excitement to start for just ONE minute and read below for the adjustments, and then dive right it!

Even though both yarns are marked chunky/bulky, they really are not the same size. This is true for so many yarns, which is why the dreaded gauge swatch is SO important for anything wearable!

So, as you work your swatch, measure! Two rows need to measure 1 1/2″ in height. Four stitches need to be 2″ wide. If you are too big then GO DOWN in hook size, if you are too small, then go up. Simpleness.

  1. See how the original pattern calls for 20 stitches? Well, take 5 of those stitches and throw them away. Do exactly what the pattern says, but only do it with 15 stitches instead of 20. No biggie, easy enough!
  2. Notice how you are asked to do 37 rows? Forget about 7 of those. Work only 30 rows.
  3. Then, when you pick up after seaming shut to work the band, you will only have 30 sc around because you have only 30 rows to work into.
  4. Everything else is just the SAME!

Rocket science? No. Yarn science? Still nope. Awesomeness? Yep!

When you have your own “touch me/caress me/smell me” hat done, come over to my FACEBOOK PAGE HERE!

Remember my lovies, please do not copy the content and repost anywhere, I had to sit on a really uncomfortable chair to type this up so I’d be kinda hurt…like my bottom is right now 😉

Share that photo and this link all you like, as a matter of fact, thank you if you do!