Welcome! Come see the “Garden Party” Results




Check out the video for a really great little slideshow!

HUGE thank you to all of you for participating. I am so honored that so many enjoyed the design. I have enjoyed seeing all the lovely jackets so so very much!

Check this cool video, a little over a minute and shows you the amazing photos I have received. Enjoy, it is stunning!! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

Please stay tuned as well, another CAL is already in the works!!

It’s not too late if you want to make your own jacket! Check the info post at https://crochetverse.com/615-2/ There you will find links to all the parts of the CAL!

Much Love and Yarn,


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The information and photos in this posting are the sole copyrighted property of Crochetverse©2016. Please do not copy and paste any of the information contained within either electronically, verbally, or written in part or in whole. Instead, please share the DIRECT LINK to this posting only, and if you do, I thank you for sharing. You of course may sell anything you make from this pattern that you have made with your own two hands, no contract labor or mass productions are permitted. If you credit Crochetverse as the designer when you sell, that is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for respecting the hard work that goes into patterns, so that we may all remain creative 🙂


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