Cute Bracelet Duo for 1st Day of School!


Recently I saw this adorable little poem to go along with handmade bracelets that you give to your child for their first day of school. One is for you to wear, and one is for your child to wear as they venture to their school day. That way, they have a small tangible piece of you to take with them to remind them they are loved and safe and you are always with them! How cute is that idea?

The poem below has been floating around the web, it is not my poem and unfortunately, I do not know who originally wrote it. But, whoever you are…from one mom to another, I thank you!

I have a FREE PRINTABLE for you, a written post on how to create a very cool bracelet using Romanian Cord crochet technique, AND a Youtube video to show you how! SUPER FAST, SUPER EASY, SUPER CUTE!

FIRST, THE PRINTABLE: I have created this free printable image so you can pair it along with the bracelets you make! It is in a .jpg format if you right click and save to print; or you can download it using the link to save it in a PDF format… whichever you find easier!

The PDF Link: BraceletPrintablePDF

The JPG image:

SECOND, THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS: This technique is one I have used before for a bracelet, so I am directing you to that blog post for the written and photo tutorial on how to create the cord. Find that here:

THIRD, THE VIDEO: Disclaimer, I have four kids and the fact I made a video without some singing or yelping in the background is in an of iteself a minor miracle lol. Please excuse my manicure and hands, they are that of a woman who works hard with her hands, but I wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂 The video:

Please post projects and questions to any of the social media sites below, and/or email me at [email protected]

Much Love and Yarn, Stephanie

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The information and photos in this posting are the sole copyrighted property of Crochetverse©2017. Please do not copy and paste any of the information contained within either electronically, verbally, or written in part or in whole. Instead, please share the DIRECT LINK to this posting only, and if you do, I thank you for sharing. You of course may sell anything you make from this pattern that you have made with your own two hands; no contract labor or mass productions are permitted. If you credit Crochetverse as the designer, that is greatly appreciated!